Posted on 6/30/2021

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash With more and more hospitality industries opening up on full blast, travel is undoubtedly making its way back to everyone, everywhere this month! We want to make sure you prepare for anything and everything that holiday traffic might throw at you. To assure you are ready for your next big adventure, we have compiled a travel checklist. The list includes essentials and must-haves, whether you are taking a road trip or using air travel. We recommend carrying a few items with you: Essentials: These are the key items and documentation we recommend to carry with you no matter where you go! If crossing our southern border into Mexico, Passpo ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2021

Photo by Karan Shiwalkar on Unsplash Welcome to the June blog for Brookside “66” Service! We’re into Summer now, and with the heat coming and with COVID-19 on the way out, there’s a good chance our national roadways will be jammed this 4th of July weekend. That’s why the last week in June and the first week in July has been named National Tire Safety Month. There’s a concern with so many people out on the road for the first time in months. People may fail to make the appropriate inspections of the tires before they set out on the road for their summer adventures. For our part, the mechanics and staff at Brookside “66” Service hope you will take a few minutes to f ... read more
Posted on 4/30/2021

Photo by Richard Goff on Unsplash Welcome to our May blog, “Here’s What Happens When You Organize Your Car”! Do you ever approach your car with a sense of dread, like walking into a mess you didn’t make? Over time, and especially with kids, your car can become a jungle of the things you need but only situationally. It takes reflection and a serious cleaning effort to notice how we clutter our vehicles with things and items we rarely use. One helpful way of breaking through the clutter: organization. The web is full of great ideas for getting some order back in your car. One of our favorites is a couch remote control holder from IKEA re-purposed as an item holder for your passenger se ... read more
Posted on 12/31/2020

Welcome to 2021! As we say goodbye to the old year, We welcome in 2021 with our best intentions and the hope that this year will be the one to put 2020’s bad times behind us. With a COVID-19 vaccine on the way, there’s certainly every indication that things are looking up. If we can manage our homes, our vehicles and our lives in the next year, we might just prosper. As people consider the expenses of the year, there will be some who choose to neglect certain parts of their life to handle others. Perhaps they may hold off on an oil change a month longer than expected. Ignore that rattle sound. Just bear with that vibration in the engine. For some people, the pandemic has forced them to live hand-to-mouth and to cut back on everything. And it may have you asking, is preventative maintenance for my car really worth the cost? If you’ve never really committed to preventative maintenance before, there’s one thing you need to understand: preventative maintenance sav ... read more
Posted on 8/3/2020

Photo by Natalie Rhea Riggs on Unsplash Summer can be a drag when you’re stuck indoors all day, but there are plenty of sights to see and enjoy while still staying close to home. Keep reading for five great weekend getaways near Kansas City, MO, to wrap up Summer 2020! Boonville, Missouri A short two-hour drive east of Kansas City, and you’ll find Boonville, MO. With 450 historic sites and structures on the National Registry of Historic Places. You can tour some local mansions, enjoy a self-guided walking tour, or even bike the nationally acclaimed 237-mile Katy Trail State Park! Cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts alike will love historic Boonville, MO. Indian Cave State Park in Shubert, Nebraska: Another quick t ... read more