Posted on 9/30/2023

Photo by Toe Heftiba On Unsplash Driving Without Winterization? That’s Spooky! As the chilly winds begin to sweep through the streets of Kansas City, there's no denying that winter is just around the corner. With the changing seasons comes a shift in driving conditions that can significantly impact your vehicle's performance and safety. To avoid the spine-chilling surprises that the winter months can bring, it's essential to ensure your vehicle is properly winterized. And that's where Brookside "66" Service comes to the rescue! In this blog, we'll delve into the importance of winterizing vehicles in Missouri and how Brookside “66” Service can be your trusted partner in preparing your car for the frosty season ahead. The Missouri Winter Challenge Missouri winters can be unpredictable, ranging from mild to severe. One d ... read more
Posted on 6/30/2023

Photo by Frank Albrecht on Unsplash How Are Your Tires Doing? Tips for Maintenance Your vehicle's tires are crucial in ensuring your safety on the road. When it’s hot out, we tend to focus on other aspects of our vehicle–say, the A/C or exterior detailing–and forget about the importance of our wheels. This post will explore an often-overlooked aspect of vehicle maintenance: tires. Brookside "66" Service provides top-notch tire services to keep your vehicle running smoothly. The Impact of Hot Asphalt The scorching summers in Kansas City can take a toll on your vehicle's tires. The intense heat radiating from asphalt can lead to accelerated wear and tear, affecting their performance and lifespan. High temperatures can cause the air inside your tires to expand, leading to overinflation. Check your tire pressure regularly to ensure it is ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2023

Photo by Chuttersnap on Unsplash Need An Oil Change? Read This First! Howdy there, friends! Don't hit the gas pedal just yet if you're in the Kansas City area and think it might be time for an oil change. Let's take a minute to chat about what an oil change is, why it's important, how to check your oil, and the signs that it might be time for one. We're a trustworthy team of auto mechanics at Brookside "66" Service, and we're here to help you keep your vehicle running smoothly. What Happens When You Get An Oil Change Most of us know what an oil change is, and if you’re an expert, feel free to skip on to the next section. However, if you stick around, you may also find a new way to explain it–whether that be to your kids or grandkids one day, a neighbor who seems to really need an oil change, or the like. So, what is an oil chan ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2022

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash Tips On How To Get Your Vehicle Ready For Back To School Back-to-school season is here, which means that you’re probably going to be hauling a lot more than what you typically do. Maybe you’ll be transporting pets or kids, or maybe the carpool just got bigger. Whatever this new school year will look like to you, don’t forget to give your vehicle a check-in. Your car is the safest and most reliable when it is properly maintained. An auto mechanic can help keep your vehicle in top condition. Regular maintenance is the key to keeping your vehicle safe and reliable. By having regular checkups with a qualified auto mechanic, you can ensure that everything is working correctly, which will save money in the long run. We suggest that before you check your supply lists and navigate new drop-off lanes, you make sure your vehicle is i ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2022

Photo by Rajiv Bajaj on Unsplash Take care of your vehicle during the hot seasons. Driving during the hot summer months can cause a little stress to your vehicle, and to prevent it from breaking down in the middle of the road or getting damaged due to the hot weather, we will share some tips on how you can take care of your vehicle during the hot season. Whether you’re just driving to the store down the road or taking a trip, you’re risking the possibility of breaking down if you don’t follow the instructions below. Tips to take care of your vehicle Test the air conditioning from your vehicle before it gets too hot outside: There can’t be anything worse than driving in th ... read more