Posted on 9/1/2024

Do you think eco-friendly driving means just buying a hybrid or electric vehicle? Think again! Many myths surround green driving practices, and believing these myths can lead to inefficient habits. Busting these myths will help you make more informed decisions, save money, and reduce your carbon footprint. In this blog, we will debunk six common eco-friendly driving myths. If you have more questions or want to schedule a maintenance appointment, visit our schedule page. Myth 1: Idling Saves Fuel Contrary to popular belief, turning off your engine if you’re stopped for more than a minute is more fuel-efficient than idling. Idling for extended periods wastes fuel and contributes to unnecessary emissions. Brookside 66 Service recommends turning off your car if you're waiting for longer than a traffic light cycle. Myth 2: Premium Fuel Is More Eco-Friendly ... read more