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Winterizing Your Vehicle in Kansas City
Winter is fast approaching, and it's time for a few maintenance tasks to keep your car on the road during the cold months. At Brookside “66” Service in Kansas City, we’ve supported Kansas City drivers winterizing their vehicles for years. Here are some winterizing tips that can help keep you safe and on the road.
Prepare For Ice Storms With New Tires
The tread on your tires will be significant as the roads get slippery, especially when the ice-storm season hits. Make sure the tread on your tires is still intact using the “penny test”--just stick a penny between the tread of your tires, and if you can see Lincoln’s face, then your tread is low.
A new set might not always be necessary. Depending on your vehicle, a tire rotation may do you some good. However, if the tread on all your tires is low, you’ll probably need a replacement. We can look in the shop to see if it’s the time! Brookside “66” Service offers tire repair and replacement of almost any brand.
While you’re here, you may consider getting some all-season tires. All-season tires provide better traction in wet conditions than other tires, so they're a good choice for Kansas City drivers.
Windshield Wipers Are Crucial For Visibility
As you're driving your commute on these more mild November days, check your windshield wipers. If they're worn or cracked, it's time to replace them before it's too late. Don't forget to replace the wiper fluid when changing your wipers!
Windshield wipers can make all the difference in the snow, especially visibility-wise.
Don’t Forget Your Regular Maintenance Needs
It's essential to have an oil change done before winter. Oil changes are one of the most essential things you can do to keep your vehicle running smoothly, and they're vital during cold weather. Oil is the lifeblood of your engine, so it's crucial that you keep it clean and changed regularly.
Have The Basics In Your Trunk’s Emergency Kit
As always, remember the basics in your trunk emergency kit. Missouri highways may close down during big storms, so you should always have some emergency rations in your trunk. Have water, fuzzy blankets, and an extra phone charger, just in case. Additionally, jumper cables can come in handy if you don’t have them already.
Come See Us At Brookside 66 For Your Winterization Needs
We can prepare you for winter! Come and visit us now at 6244 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64113, or book your appointment here before you go. Our skilled auto mechanics will prepare your vehicle for the new school year with quality repairs and friendly service! Remember, it’s always best to take care of your vehicle before the big day arrives so that you can focus on driving safely and comfortably with your kids.