Photo by Romain Paget on Unsplash
Kansas City is renowned for how often we receive tornadoes, and it can be scary when you’re caught on the road when the tornado warning goes out. At Brookside “66” Service, we want you to feel confident driving under any conditions, so read on for the best driving safety tips for Missouri’s tornado weather.
Believe it or not, Missouri is ranked 10th in the United States for the state with the most tornadoes, with tornadoes occurring every month of the year. Most likely to happen in the afternoon from April through June. Remember, during a tornado, there is no completely safe option, only slightly less-dangerous ones. While being in your car during a tornado is extremely risky, these tips can help you stay safe:
Get Off the Road: If you’re caught in extreme winds or see flying debris around, get yourself off the road as soon as possible. It’s often a better idea to altogether remove yourself from the roadway, as opposed to merely pulling over.
Don’t Stop Under Bridges or Tunnels: High winds make these areas giant wind tunnels. You may think they look like a good place to find shelter, but they’re often more dangerous than being out in the open. Stopping here can also create hazardous traffic hazards, leaving you and your fellow drivers at higher risk.
Find Shelter: If you’re out in the open, this may not be a possibility. If you can, seek shelter in a sturdy building or underground.
Stay Low: Remain in your car with your seat belt on. Try to keep your head down below the windows in case they break. Cover your head with your hands and a blanket or coat, any kind of cushion you can find. If there’s an area nearby that’s noticeably lower than the roadway – like a ditch – leave your car and lie in that area. Make sure you cover your head with your hands or any other kind of cushion you can find. You’ll also want to stay as far away from any trees or cars as you can, so they don’t get blown too close.
Hopefully, you never get caught out driving during a tornado, but if you do, our team over at Brookside “66” Service hopes that these tips will help you stay safe!
To make sure that your car is prepped and primed to take on all kinds of travel, we encourage you to schedule an appointment for your next auto repair or preventive maintenance service today. Brookside “66” Service is located at 6244 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64113: We are open 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM on Monday - Friday.