The auto mechanics, service advisors, and rest of the Brookside "66" Service team offer old-school service to families throughout Kansas City and Brookside. We strive to continue to stay on the cutting-edge of the ever-evolving automotive industry. We encourage you to take a look at our blog posts. That's where we post engaging, entertaining, and educational posts about auto repair and preventative maintenance.

Monthly Archives: May 2021

Check Those Tires (National Tire Month)

Check Those Tires (National Tire Month)

Photo by Karan Shiwalkar on Unsplash   Welcome to the June blog for Brookside “66” Service! We’re into Summer now, and with the heat coming and with COVID-19 on the way out, there’s a good chance our national roadways will be jammed this 4th of July weekend.    That’s why the last week in June and the first week in July has been named National Tire Safety Month. There’s a concern with so many people out on the road for the first time in months. People may fail to make the appropriate inspections of the tires before they set out on the road for their summer adventures.   For our part, the mechanics and staff at Brookside “66” Service hope you will take a few minutes to f ... read more


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